Author: dollsome|author
You're Just My Cup of Tea, or: Domesticity Is Setting In
Posted by kitsuneheart on Tuesday, 24 January 2017Feeling Is First
Posted by kitsuneheart on Thursday, 22 December 2016Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI
Posted by kitsuneheart on Sunday, 22 May 2016mp3: here [731 MB, 11:24:12]
m4b (low-res): here [17.1 MB, 11:24:12]
m4b (hi-res): here [189 MB, 11:24:12]
comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text versions:
Leave, Taking, Tea and Bitching, Inferior Empires, You'll meet me halfway, do you fall in love too easily?, Angharad, L is for the way you look at me (like you kind of definitely know i’m a witch), Of Longing In Libraries, No link for "The Club", Young-Wandering-Time, Hide and Find, endless itch, Tea with Ami, Innocence Lost, Translations for Broken and for Breaking Out, Twinkle Twinkle, Images of Broken Light, Prepare, Sealed with a kiss , The Love of Money, Tact, As Natural As Breathing, Again, Pilot, Airs and Graces, Annabelle Fritton: Headmistress?, Runs in the Family, First Communion, The Spy Always Gets the Girl, Hail the conflict resolution that occurs in the kitchen!, Filibuster Lady and the Shoes of Justice, Trapped, Friend-Fiction, Gain and Loss, And You Thought the Lions Were Bad, Capable, Beloved of Ma'at, all the victory she needs, Darcy Lewis Vs. The Tabloids, In the Vast Architecture of Time, Pearl's Everything, Coffee Morning, Starless Night, Working With You, vaster than empires, and more slow, Before the Fall, Power Struggle, with you by my side, Bake until golden , the brief curve of her lips, Toast, Sleepless in SHIELD, Tea and Conquest, Winter, What Susan Forgot, Flowers in a Time of War, All-Nighter, Rahmbo, An Unexpected Meeting, My Beloved Snake, And Said Unto Me, Knowing the Ropes, Can’t Out-Troll a Troll, the Dag, Bedfellows, Best Kept Secrets, Pond and River, Gemini, the voice of your eyes, With Focus, Fine, In Which Itachi is a Baby With Back Problems and Sakura is Very Awkward, A Quiet Night, Tickly Me Ink, I light my own fires now, Vivat Regina, For Every King That Died, Kisses In The Dark, Behind the Wallpaper, her calculated grace, Can't Pin Me Down, Restorative Draughts, One of Oak and the Other, Linden, Tea Parties, Lady Vorkosigan's Manor, As The Trees Love Water, The Wolf Queen and the Perfect Knight, Balancing the books, Sweat Saves Blood, A Lonely Company, Drag Me To Heaven, Across the Sands, Literacy, Creatures, Someone Your Own Size, The Things You Learn from Your Mother, Longest Night, Proper Relaxation, Cheedo, Best Served Cold, Thieving Princess, memory's grandniece, so much to see, Lucky Helmet, In the Twilight Kingdom, Lost as a Light is Lost in Light, Blood, Sweat and Tears, To Towered Camelot, Field Trip
cover art by bessyboo
Of Longing In Libraries
Posted by kitsuneheart on Thursday, 19 May 2016You do not have to walk on your knees
Posted by kitsuneheart on Wednesday, 30 December 2015Accidental Harmony (Just Call Them Grant & Barrymore)
Posted by sisi_rambles on Thursday, 2 July 2015I can tell that we are gonna be friends
Posted by saffron on Thursday, 26 March 2015Drowning Sorrows
Posted by knight_tracer on Saturday, 15 November 2014(you are) the girl that i've been dreaming of
Posted by knight_tracer on Saturday, 15 November 2014Boy Oh Boy Bands!: The Precise Science of Poster-Picking
Posted by knight_tracer on Friday, 19 September 2014Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IV
Posted by jesperanda on Friday, 27 June 2014mp3: here [576.4 MB, 10:38:56]
m4b: here [216.0 MB, 10:07:25]
comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text versions: A Child of Our Time; A flash of wild creatures; A Flock of Angels; A Heart at My Command; A Murmur. A Rumble.; A Strange and Lovely Sound; a sunrise which was to put out all the stars; Affinities of Organic Beings; Afternoon Tea; Aftertaste; All in a (sexy) day's work; all my old haunts (are now haunting me); all your heart-melodies; Amends; And Footfalls and Soldiers and Dolls; Animaux prédateurs; At Tilde; Authority Figure; Breadcrumbs; But Never Too Much; Creepy Muffin Basket; Daughter of the Ocean; Different People; Distractions; Dragon Lady; Dress for Success; Each One for Her Own; Each World of Blood is Made; Electric; Enthusiastic Consent; Falling Leaves of Red and Gold; First Blood; Five More Minutes; Five Ways River Tam Left Serenity; Friday; Heat Strategies; Herself; High Priestess; I Will Be Right Here; If You Fall(I Fall Harder); Imbricate; Jasmine's Nemesis; Just a Little Breaking In for Breakfast; Know and Be Known; Ladies Night; Lamp post; Learn the Ropes; Learned Art; Like Blue Stones; Living a Bangles Song; Monochrome; Mother-Tongue; never meant to say goodbye; New Discoveries in Plastic; Nine Voices, and The Search for a Tenth; No More (Or, the Very Touching Story of How Pepper Potts Absolutely Didn't Break Tony Stark's Heart); Nocturne Andante; not a smiling god; On the Importance of Sorting Laundry; One-sided; Our Wounds and Our Healing; Papayas; Partners In Crime (And Jam); perks of the job; Pink; Power Struggle; Reactionary, Chapter 3: Like Mother, Like Daughter; Remaining; Restoration Projects; Second Fiddle; Second Thought (no text available); she sees dead people (but you gotta make an appointment); she's got the moon in her eyes; shine it all around; Singed; So We Meet At Last; spacing of the spheres; stars from my eyes; still frames in your mind; Stories; Storm; summer haze; tail ridin' and i know it's true; Textbook Example; The Memories She Carries; The Stag Queen; The Way It Is Now; The Withering of the Boughs; There are Many Names in History; There Can Be Only One (Except There Are Two); There's Another Dance; this crown of thorns; This Fantastic Life; this is the part of me (that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no); This is the sea; this little hand (in yours); Three Heads of Cerberus; three kisses; touch the ground and climb to the sky; Turning Circles; Two Weeks Notice; Victrix; we're anything but unremarkable; What is built endures; where you go, I go; wishing on a star; You Miss the Point; Your Skin Like a Canvas
cover art by bessyboo
Partners In Crime (And Jam)
Posted by jesperanda on Sunday, 30 March 2014A Peck on the Lips 3 [anthology]
Posted by jesperanda on Saturday, 12 October 2013mp3: here [45.4 MB, 01:37:51]
bonus tracks (archive entries): Not A Lesbian, Delivered, walk away a savior
comment to podficcers: at the anthology post
read or comment on text versions: i mean to rule the earth, my love is unusual, Personnel, Far From Armageddon, The Things You Miss, like a bad girl, Dreams are Private Myths, The Waiting Song, You're On Your Own, Came knocking at my door, 184 Words, Payback, i'll wear a mask (for you), All the Better to, Signature, feeling is first, reach for love, Two-Step, Not This Story
cover art by yue_ix
i just can't quit you, shoeshine guy
Posted by una on Tuesday, 26 February 2013Better Half
Posted by una on Tuesday, 26 February 2013beauty and family
Posted by una on Saturday, 23 February 2013thus with(out) a kiss
Posted by una on Saturday, 23 February 2013The stars are not wanted now
Posted by una on Saturday, 16 February 2013The Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology II [anthology]
Posted by anonymous on Tuesday, 17 April 2012mp3: here [422.9 MB, 07:31:12]
m4b: here [307.0 MB, 07:31:12]
comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text versions: 25th Hour; A Grand Gesture Involving Piranhas; Academy; Always; and did you tell billy you loved him? did you say, 'billy, i love you'?; And Into the Clear; Background Check; Breath; burns on my fingers; Clash of the Titans; Come Back and Haunt Me; Conspicuos; Contretemps; Cookies and Conversations; Cora; cracks are where the light gets in; Decorating with Mischief; Evening Beauty; Every Moment Matters; Five Time Lords Donna Noble Slapped; Four Times Parker Got Away from Veronica, and One Time She Didn't; Gateway; Good With Her Hands; Hands; hello darling; her name is eve; How We've Grown; I Ache Myself for More; If This Is A Family Reunion, I Wasn't Invited; if this is a joke, i'm not laughing; Igraine Begs; It's About This; It's Common, But We Don't Talk About It; it's my heart, not me, who cannot drive; Just Listen; Just Words on a Page; Justice; Lift Her, Pull Her From the Orchids; Light a Candle in the Darkness; Like This; Live A Little, Die A Little; Mischief, Shenanigans, and Hijinks of All Sorts; Music of the Morning; my smile can distract you; next time duck; Not-Idols and Admiration; oceans never listen to us anyway; Of Thoughts and Waiting; One Day Without Hindrance; Opportunities; Oral Traditions; Our Backwards Walk; peer/pressure (points); Pit Stop; Plans; Polaris; Pomegranate Seeds; Prove Them Wrong; Recuperation; Remade; Returning to the Deep; Risk Assessment; Rittevon Shoes; She gets them Home; She Won't Confess; Silk and Dust; Slayer Slain Slay: Poem VIII; So You Caused a Potentially Life-Altering Paradox; Steel; Tales and Legends; The Beginning or Middlish Part of a Harry Potter Publishing AU; The Fall of Rome; The Girly Arts; The Mad Ones; The Moon and the Ocean; The Rebirth of Hope; The Trains Stop for You and So Do the Boys When You Run Your Fingers through Your Hair (And I Am Gonna Drink Your Blood); The Uncanny Mrs Hudson; This Heart is a Stone; Things With Feathers (no text link); This is Not a Short History of Feminism (It Isn’t Over Yet); this is why; Three Windows; Turned Me To The Sky; Two Worlds; untitled [abby sciuto-centric]; untitled [coat]; untitled [fire and passion]; untitled [Inara at a bar]; untitled [just a small-town girl]; untitled [Lay Me Out in Lame]; Valerie for forgetfulness; Verdant Power; Vivian Finds Love; Waffles and Lemonade; Watch Me Flying; We Ride In; What Do You Come Home To?; Wheatstalk of Infinite Light; Women's Work; Wouldn't, Would; Yet; (you don't know) I'm a Rager; you know I have no vacancy, and it's awfully cold outside tonight; You Will Move Mountains
cover art by bessyboo