Fandom: star wars: original trilogy

The Balance


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [25 MB, 00:20:47]

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cover art by reena_jenkins

kiss now, details later


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [6 MB, 00:08:31]

comment to the podficcer here
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cover art by reena_jenkins

3 Skywalker families that weren’t, and one that was


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [10 MB, 00:19:03]
download m4b: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [12 MB, 00:19:03]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by exmanhater

The Rumor of Rain


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [23 MB, 00:15:54]
download m4b: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [15 MB, 00:15:54]

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Undiminished (The Planets and Islands Remix)


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [7 MB, 00:14:46]
download m4b: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [10 MB, 00:14:46]

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read or comment on the text version here
cover art by exmanhater

Like stars burning holes through the dark


mp3 version:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [26 MB, 00:52:26]
download m4b: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [27 MB, 00:52:26]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by exmanhater

trade your heroes for ghosts


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [5 MB, 00:09:52]
download m4b: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [7 MB, 00:09:52]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by exmanhater

A Lobby of Time Travelers


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [11 MB, 00:21:00]

No Music:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [10 MB, 00:19:32]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by mistbornhero

Five Times Starscream and Skyfire Came Home to Write Really Weird Papers


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [8 MB, 00:11:04]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by kbirb

Where Luke is Not a Baby Stealer, Han Wants a Medal, and Din Wants His Kid to Stay Enrolled in the Good Preschool


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [16 MB, 00:16:34]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here

A Lobby Of Time Travelers


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [26 MB, 00:17:33]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by mistbornhero
