Fandom: dracula
Count Goosula
Posted by devilwithabirddress on Friday, 6 December 2024October 12
Posted by devilwithabirddress on Monday, 25 November 2024Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IV
Posted by jesperanda on Friday, 27 June 2014mp3: here [576.4 MB, 10:38:56]
m4b: here [216.0 MB, 10:07:25]
comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text versions: A Child of Our Time; A flash of wild creatures; A Flock of Angels; A Heart at My Command; A Murmur. A Rumble.; A Strange and Lovely Sound; a sunrise which was to put out all the stars; Affinities of Organic Beings; Afternoon Tea; Aftertaste; All in a (sexy) day's work; all my old haunts (are now haunting me); all your heart-melodies; Amends; And Footfalls and Soldiers and Dolls; Animaux prédateurs; At Tilde; Authority Figure; Breadcrumbs; But Never Too Much; Creepy Muffin Basket; Daughter of the Ocean; Different People; Distractions; Dragon Lady; Dress for Success; Each One for Her Own; Each World of Blood is Made; Electric; Enthusiastic Consent; Falling Leaves of Red and Gold; First Blood; Five More Minutes; Five Ways River Tam Left Serenity; Friday; Heat Strategies; Herself; High Priestess; I Will Be Right Here; If You Fall(I Fall Harder); Imbricate; Jasmine's Nemesis; Just a Little Breaking In for Breakfast; Know and Be Known; Ladies Night; Lamp post; Learn the Ropes; Learned Art; Like Blue Stones; Living a Bangles Song; Monochrome; Mother-Tongue; never meant to say goodbye; New Discoveries in Plastic; Nine Voices, and The Search for a Tenth; No More (Or, the Very Touching Story of How Pepper Potts Absolutely Didn't Break Tony Stark's Heart); Nocturne Andante; not a smiling god; On the Importance of Sorting Laundry; One-sided; Our Wounds and Our Healing; Papayas; Partners In Crime (And Jam); perks of the job; Pink; Power Struggle; Reactionary, Chapter 3: Like Mother, Like Daughter; Remaining; Restoration Projects; Second Fiddle; Second Thought (no text available); she sees dead people (but you gotta make an appointment); she's got the moon in her eyes; shine it all around; Singed; So We Meet At Last; spacing of the spheres; stars from my eyes; still frames in your mind; Stories; Storm; summer haze; tail ridin' and i know it's true; Textbook Example; The Memories She Carries; The Stag Queen; The Way It Is Now; The Withering of the Boughs; There are Many Names in History; There Can Be Only One (Except There Are Two); There's Another Dance; this crown of thorns; This Fantastic Life; this is the part of me (that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no); This is the sea; this little hand (in yours); Three Heads of Cerberus; three kisses; touch the ground and climb to the sky; Turning Circles; Two Weeks Notice; Victrix; we're anything but unremarkable; What is built endures; where you go, I go; wishing on a star; You Miss the Point; Your Skin Like a Canvas
cover art by bessyboo