Literature Fandoms

Fandom Podfics
a little princess 2
a study in emerald 1
a taste of gold and iron 1
adventure series 1
aeneid 1
african mythology 4
alex delaware detective series 1
alexander series 1
alice in wonderland 4
alice the girl from earth 1
all for the game 67
all in green went my love riding (poem) 1
all summer in a day 1
all works: chuck tingle 1
all works: dr. seuss 3
all works: jrr tolkien 1
all works: tamora pierce 2
alliance-union verse 6
american gods 5
animorphs 3
anita blake: vampire hunter 2
anne of green gables 7
appaloosa 2
arashi no yoru ni 1
artemis fowl 5
arthurian legend 39
atlas shrugged 1
aubrey-maturin series 25
australian mythology 1
ayesha 1
baby-sitters club 6
badger song 2
baltagul | the hatchet 1
bartimaeus trilogy 1
bas-lag universe 1
beauty and the beast 8
belgariad/malloreon series 3
beowulf 2
best song ever (song) 3
bible 16
black stallion 1
blood and smoke 1
blue castle 1
bluebeard 4
book thief 1
boy meets boy 1
brideshead revisited 2
bridget jones' diary 3
brokeback mountain 1
california diaries 1
cambridge latin course 2
canon alberic's scrap-book (m.r. james) 1
captive prince 13
carmilla 2
carrie (stephen king) 1
carthaginian mythology 1
casting the runes (m.r. james) 1
changeover 1
charioteer 1
chinese mythology 4
chrestomanci 4
christian tradition lore and folklore 1
christmas carol 1
chronicles of narnia 79
chronicles of prydain 1
cinderella 7
circle of magic 7
city & the city 1
civil contract 1
code name verity 9
codex alera 1
color purple 1
companion to wolves 2
cosmere series 2
cotillion 3
count of monte cristo 2
cthulhu mythos 7
curious george 1
curse of chalion 5
curse workers series 2
cyteen series 3
dalemark quartet 1
damar series (robin mckinley) 1
dangerous liaisons 1
dark is rising 5
dark tower 1
darkangel trilogy 1
dead zone 1
death in venice 1
deepwater bride 1
delirium series 1
demon's lexicon 2
devil venerable also wants to know - cyan wings 1
devil wears prada 30
devil went down to georgia 1
die bremer stadtmusikanten | the town musicians of bremen 1
dirk gently 8
disappearing man 1
discworld 76
dispossessed 1
divergent trilogy 2
divina commedia 4
diviners 1
dracula 5
dragaera series 1
dragonriders of pern 3
drawing blood 1
dresden files 52
dune novels 2
eagle of the ninth 11
earthsea 14
egyptian mythology 8
ella enchanted 1
elric saga 1
emily of new moon 2
emma 4
enchanted forest chronicles (patricia wrede) 2
ender's game 4
ever dark (raythe reign) 1
fablehaven 1
fahrenheit 451 1
fairy tales 6
fairy tales (general) 6
fairytale (song) 1
fandom for robots 4
faraway wanderers (by priest) 1
farseer & tawny man trilogies 1
fingersmith 1
fix bay'nets 1
flight of the heron (d.k. broster) 2
folklore 3
frankenstein 2
frog and toad 1
frog prince 1
game of rat and dragon 1
gate of darkness, circle of light 1
gay pirates 1
gentle art of fortune hunting 3
gentlemen of the road 1
german mythology 1
gideon the ninth 8
gilgamesh 3
go the fuck to sleep 2
goblin emperor 6
gone with the wind 2
good omens 153
goodnight moon 1
graceling realm - kristin cashore 1
graveyard book 1
great gatsby 3
greek mythology 51
guns of navarone 4
hainish cycle 1
hansel and gretel 4
hardy boys 1
harry potter 1,057
haunting of hill house - shirley jackson 1
have space suit will travel 1
hawaiian mythology 2
hellenistic religion lore 1
highwaymen 1
his dark materials 23
history of the peloponnesian wars - thucydides 1
hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy 8
hobbit 138
hollows 1
honor harrington series 1
horatio hornblower 5
hotel california (song) 1
howl's moving castle 5
hunger games 16
i capture the castle 5
i want to go home 5
icebreaker (a. l. graziadei) 1
iliad 4
imperial radch series 3
incryptid series 3
indian mythology 1
inheritance cycle 4
inkheart 1
integrate - by thea hayworth 1
inuit mythology 1
iowa (song) 1
iron covenant series 1
islamic mythology 1
island 2
jack and the beanstalk 1
jane eyre 4
japanese mythology 1
jewish scriptures and legend 8
john barbour (song) 1
jonathan strange and mr. norrell 6
journey to the center of the earth 1
jungle book 4
kate daniels series 3
keys to the kingdom 1
king in yellow (by robert w. chambers) 1
king of shadows 1
kingkiller chronicles 2
know not why 1
kushiel's legacy 1
lais of marie de france 2
last herald-mage 2
last unicorn 2
left hand of darkness 3
legend of zelda: breath of the wild/tears of the kingdom 5
legends & lattes - travis baldree 2
leviathan 1
liaden universe 2
little red riding hood (original fairy tale) 7
little women 1
locked tomb series 43
lockwood and co. 2
lolita 2
looking glass wars 1
lord of the rings 123
lord peter wimsey 9
love song of j. alfred prufrock 1
lymond chronicles 1
macdonald hall 9
mageworlds 1
mahabharatha 1
making out 1
mansfield park 3
markers to deter inadvertent human intrusion into the waste isolation pilot plant 1
mars trilogy 1
martian 5
mary poppins 5
mary russell series 1
master & commander 1
matilda (roald dahl) 7
matthew swift series 1
maze runner series 2
me and julio down by the schoolyard (song) 1
medieval manuscripts & illustrations 1
melusine 1
meso american mythology 2
mesopotamian mythology 6
mesopotamians (song) 1
millennium trilogy 1
mio, min mio | mio, my son 2
miss marple 4
moby dick 2
módào zǔshī | the grandmaster of demonic cultivation 275
moll flanders 1
monster of elendhaven - jennifer giesbrecht 1
moon is a harsh mistress 1
mortal instruments 4
mountain (song) 1
mr. men 1
murderbot diaries 46
na honjaman rebereop | solo levelling 1
nancy drew 1
nancy drew/hardy boys super mysteries 1
nation 2
nemeses (song) 2
nero wolfe 9
neverwhere 4
night circus 1
night watch 1
nightrunner 1
norse mythology 21
north american mythology 3
northanger abbey 2
noughts and crosses series - malorie blackman 1
nǚ jiāng jūn hé cháng gōng zhǔ | female general and eldest princess - qǐng jūn mò xiào 1
nursery rhymes and songs 1
october daye series 8
odyssey 1
old kingdom series 10
omniscient reader's viewpoint (by sing shong) 1
one thousand and one nights 3
ordinary princess 1
oresteia 1
outlander series 3
outsiders 2
oxford time travel universe (connie willis) 1
paddington bear 1
pancho and lefty 1
paper towns 2
parasol protectorate 1
percy jackson & the olympians 13
perks of being a wallflower 1
perry mason 2
persian boy 1
persuasion 2
peter pan 11
phantom of the opera 2
picture of dorian gray 1
piranesi - susanna clarke 2
poppy war trilogy 1
president's daughter 1
pride and prejudice 14
prin timp si spatiu cu vctor tibla si doru bara 2
psy/changeling 2
qi ye (by priest) 1
queen's thief 11
raffles 10
raggedy ann & andy series 1
rapunzel 3
raven cycle 60
red white & royal blue - casey mcquiston 4
rén zhā fǎnpài zìjiù xìtǒng | the scum villain's self-saving system 12
richard lll 1
rivers of london 27
robber bridegroom 1
robot series 2
roman mythology 6
scatterlings 1
scholomance - naomi novik 3
secret garden 4
secret history 2
secret of the unicorn queen 2
sense & sensibility 2
series of unfortunate events 2
sevenwaters 1
shaara's civil war trilogy 1
sharpe 1
sherlock holmes 78
shirley 1
silmarillion 48
sisterhood of the traveling pants 1
sleeping beauty 13
smith of wootton major 1
snow white (original fairy tale) 8
snow-white and rose-red 1
song of achilles 3
song of ice and fire 11
sorcerer to the crown 1
southern vampire mysteries 5
sparrow 1
star wars legends (books) 3
star wars: from a certain point of view 1
stealing the elf-king's roses 1
stormlight archive 6
strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde 1
strega nona 1
stupid and anxious (song) 1
sunshine 1
swallows and amazons 1
sweep 1
swordspoint 1
tale of the five 1
tales of the city 1
tales of the high court - megan derr 1
tam lin 2
tanakh 5
tarot sequence (k.d. edwards) 1
temeraire 22
the boxcar children 1
the chaos (gerard nolst trenité) 1
the hundred and one dalmatians 1
the pairing (by casey mcquiston) 1
the pied piper of hamelin 2
the talisman ring - georgette heyer 1
think of england 3
this is how you lose the time war 19
thomas harris hannibal lecter novels 1
thumbelina 1
thursday next 3
tiān guān cì fú | heaven official's blessing 27
time quartet 2
time traveler's wife 1
tinker, tailor, soldier, spy 7
tipping the velvet 1
to kill a mockingbird 1
tom thumb 1
tortall universe 74
tough guide to fantasyland 1
turning point trilogy 1
twa sisters 3
twilight novels 46
twinkie squad 1
valdemar novels 4
vampire diaries 4
velveteen series 1
very hungry caterpillar 1
vorkosigan saga 110
war and peace 1
warbreaker 1
warm bodies 3
watchmaker of filigree street 1
watership down 2
we have always lived in the castle 2
we need to talk about kevin 1
welsh mythology 1
westing game 1
wheel of time series 5
where the wild roses grow (song) 1
where the wild things are 1
whyborne & griffin series 2
wicked 6
wicked gentlemen 1
wild swans 4
winnie the pooh 7
witch king - martha wells 1
world war z 1
wuthering heights 1
you could make a life series (taylor fitzpatrick) 1
young wizards 27