Fandom: jonathan strange and mr. norrell
The Rose at Your Mouth, The Thorn at Your Throat
Posted by mific on Friday, 11 October 2024chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
download as zipped mp3s: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [266 MB, 00:00:00]
(you can download the individual chapters by r-clicking and 'save link' on the players above)
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cover art by malihinimoon
Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology VI
Posted by kitsuneheart on Sunday, 22 May 2016mp3: here [731 MB, 11:24:12]
m4b (low-res): here [17.1 MB, 11:24:12]
m4b (hi-res): here [189 MB, 11:24:12]
comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text versions:
Leave, Taking, Tea and Bitching, Inferior Empires, You'll meet me halfway, do you fall in love too easily?, Angharad, L is for the way you look at me (like you kind of definitely know i’m a witch), Of Longing In Libraries, No link for "The Club", Young-Wandering-Time, Hide and Find, endless itch, Tea with Ami, Innocence Lost, Translations for Broken and for Breaking Out, Twinkle Twinkle, Images of Broken Light, Prepare, Sealed with a kiss , The Love of Money, Tact, As Natural As Breathing, Again, Pilot, Airs and Graces, Annabelle Fritton: Headmistress?, Runs in the Family, First Communion, The Spy Always Gets the Girl, Hail the conflict resolution that occurs in the kitchen!, Filibuster Lady and the Shoes of Justice, Trapped, Friend-Fiction, Gain and Loss, And You Thought the Lions Were Bad, Capable, Beloved of Ma'at, all the victory she needs, Darcy Lewis Vs. The Tabloids, In the Vast Architecture of Time, Pearl's Everything, Coffee Morning, Starless Night, Working With You, vaster than empires, and more slow, Before the Fall, Power Struggle, with you by my side, Bake until golden , the brief curve of her lips, Toast, Sleepless in SHIELD, Tea and Conquest, Winter, What Susan Forgot, Flowers in a Time of War, All-Nighter, Rahmbo, An Unexpected Meeting, My Beloved Snake, And Said Unto Me, Knowing the Ropes, Can’t Out-Troll a Troll, the Dag, Bedfellows, Best Kept Secrets, Pond and River, Gemini, the voice of your eyes, With Focus, Fine, In Which Itachi is a Baby With Back Problems and Sakura is Very Awkward, A Quiet Night, Tickly Me Ink, I light my own fires now, Vivat Regina, For Every King That Died, Kisses In The Dark, Behind the Wallpaper, her calculated grace, Can't Pin Me Down, Restorative Draughts, One of Oak and the Other, Linden, Tea Parties, Lady Vorkosigan's Manor, As The Trees Love Water, The Wolf Queen and the Perfect Knight, Balancing the books, Sweat Saves Blood, A Lonely Company, Drag Me To Heaven, Across the Sands, Literacy, Creatures, Someone Your Own Size, The Things You Learn from Your Mother, Longest Night, Proper Relaxation, Cheedo, Best Served Cold, Thieving Princess, memory's grandniece, so much to see, Lucky Helmet, In the Twilight Kingdom, Lost as a Light is Lost in Light, Blood, Sweat and Tears, To Towered Camelot, Field Trip
cover art by bessyboo