Length: time|10:00:00-15:00:00

It’s Just That Any One of Us Is Half Without Another One Is You


mp3: Chapters 1-11, Chapters 12-21 [828 MB, 14:59:58]
m4b: here [412 MB, 14:59:58]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by opalsong

Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology IV

abluestocking|author, absedarian|author, adaptationdecay|author, akamine_chan|author, alba17|author, alreadystardust|author, ambyr|author, arbryna|author, arsenicjade|author, attila|author, black-eyedgirl|author, boosette|author, brigantine1|author, carawj|author, cofax|author, coffeebuddha|author, cosmic_llin|author, czigany|author, dapatty|author, dollsome|author, egelantier|author, elliemurasaki|author, epiphanyx7|author, exmanhater|author, finesharp|author, gloriamundi|author, growlery|author, halfeatenmoon|author, havocthecat|author, heart_nouveau|author, icarus_chained|author, idhren|author, impertinence|author, innie darling|author, iridescentglow|author, jedusaur|author, jesterlady|author, kitsune heart|author, lacewood|author, lassarina|author, lc2l|author, lizbee|author, lolafeist|author, lost_spook|author, lovepeaceohana|author, mad poetess|author, mardia|author, medie|author, mercuriewords|author, minkhollow|author, mizzy|author, moonblossom|author, musesfool|author, neferit|author, neveralarch|author, nonisland|author, opalmatrix|author, pendrecarc|author, postcardmystery|author, queenklu|author, raven_aorla|author, renquise|author, reyka_sivao|author, rokeon|author, copperbadge|author, sg1samfan|author, siddals|author, sineala|author, siria/siriaeve|author, sister_wolf|author, sophinisba|author, sparrowinsky|author, starbolin|author, such_heights|author, surexit|author, sweetjamielee|author, synecdoche|author, thesoliloquy|author, the_wordbutler|author, thingswithwings|author, thistlerose|author, thrace|author, tigriswolf|author, tilia_cordata|author, tree_and_leaf|author, unoriginal_liz|author, verity|author, via_ostiense|author, wanderlustlover|author, zeen|author

mp3: here [576.4 MB, 10:38:56]
m4b: here [216.0 MB, 10:07:25]

comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text versions: A Child of Our Time; A flash of wild creatures; A Flock of Angels; A Heart at My Command; A Murmur. A Rumble.; A Strange and Lovely Sound; a sunrise which was to put out all the stars; Affinities of Organic Beings; Afternoon Tea; Aftertaste; All in a (sexy) day's work; all my old haunts (are now haunting me); all your heart-melodies; Amends; And Footfalls and Soldiers and Dolls; Animaux prédateurs; At Tilde; Authority Figure; Breadcrumbs; But Never Too Much; Creepy Muffin Basket; Daughter of the Ocean; Different People; Distractions; Dragon Lady; Dress for Success; Each One for Her Own; Each World of Blood is Made; Electric; Enthusiastic Consent; Falling Leaves of Red and Gold; First Blood; Five More Minutes; Five Ways River Tam Left Serenity; Friday; Heat Strategies; Herself; High Priestess; I Will Be Right Here; If You Fall(I Fall Harder); Imbricate; Jasmine's Nemesis; Just a Little Breaking In for Breakfast; Know and Be Known; Ladies Night; Lamp post; Learn the Ropes; Learned Art; Like Blue Stones; Living a Bangles Song; Monochrome; Mother-Tongue; never meant to say goodbye; New Discoveries in Plastic; Nine Voices, and The Search for a Tenth; No More (Or, the Very Touching Story of How Pepper Potts Absolutely Didn't Break Tony Stark's Heart); Nocturne Andante; not a smiling god; On the Importance of Sorting Laundry; One-sided; Our Wounds and Our Healing; Papayas; Partners In Crime (And Jam); perks of the job; Pink; Power Struggle; Reactionary, Chapter 3: Like Mother, Like Daughter; Remaining; Restoration Projects; Second Fiddle; Second Thought (no text available); she sees dead people (but you gotta make an appointment); she's got the moon in her eyes; shine it all around; Singed; So We Meet At Last; spacing of the spheres; stars from my eyes; still frames in your mind; Stories; Storm; summer haze; tail ridin' and i know it's true; Textbook Example; The Memories She Carries; The Stag Queen; The Way It Is Now; The Withering of the Boughs; There are Many Names in History; There Can Be Only One (Except There Are Two); There's Another Dance; this crown of thorns; This Fantastic Life; this is the part of me (that you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no); This is the sea; this little hand (in yours); Three Heads of Cerberus; three kisses; touch the ground and climb to the sky; Turning Circles; Two Weeks Notice; Victrix; we're anything but unremarkable; What is built endures; where you go, I go; wishing on a star; You Miss the Point; Your Skin Like a Canvas
cover art by bessyboo

Due Cause


stream mp3: Part 1 [205 MB, 03:22:10]
stream mp3: Part 2 [164 MB, 02:40:39]
stream mp3: Part 3 [169 MB, 02:45:38]
stream mp3: Part 4 [217 MB, 03:31:27]
download as a single mp3: here [704 MB, 12:19:54]
download zipped mp3 parts: here [745 MB, 12:19:54]
download as a single m4b: here [835 MB, 12:19:54]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by Tenoko1

Retrograde Series Audiobook Compilation


full collated 'verse:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [646 MB, 11:13:12]
download m4b: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [318 MB, 11:13:12]

comment to M4B editor here
read or comment on text version here: Retrograde Series by Martha Wilson, and additional story by svmadelyn (backup here)
cover art by mific

comment to readers of individual parts here:
Retrograde, read by kyizi (cover art by fatuorum)
Recovery, read by lunate8 (cover art by tripoli)
Movie Night, read by lunate8 (cover art by jinjurly)
Least Resistance, read by (and cover art by) arwen_lune
Tropic of Cancer, read by (and cover art by) arwen_lune
Colorado Springs, read by (and cover art by) arwen_lune
Vegas, read by (and cover art by) arwen_lune
Jack and Daniel Snippet, read by (and cover art by) arwen_lune
When Your Job Description (You Announce Chevrons!) Is a Total Lie, written by svmadelyn, read by (and cover art by) mific
First Impressions, read by (and cover art by) arwen_lune
Lorne in Atlantis, read by (and cover art by) arwen_lune
