Length: time|10:00:00-15:00:00

Quirks and Secrets


part 1 of the series

chapter 1

chapter 2

chapter 3

chapter 4

chapter 5

chapter 6

chapter 7

chapter 8

chapter 9

chapter 10

chapter 11

chapter 12

chapter 13

chapter 14

chapter 15

chapter 16

chapter 17

chapter 18

download as zipped mp3 files: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [590 MB, 11:46:28]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here

The Crimson Lotus series


Parts 1-6

Parts 7-12

Parts 13-18

Part 19 (Exit Through the Pleasure House)

Part 20 (Metamorphoses)

Parts 21-23

download zipped mp3s: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [743 MB, 11:54:23]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text versions The Crimson Lotus by bonibaru, Exit Through the Pleasure House by no_detective, Metamorphoses by no_detective
cover art by bonibaru

What We Pretend We Can't See


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [370 MB, 12:49:51]
download m4b: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [375 MB, 12:49:51]

Note that a few final paragraphs are missing from the podfic so you'll need to read them at the text file - from "yell at Blaise one more time" to the end.

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by Cybel

traffic was slow for the crash years


chapter 1

chapter 2

chapter 3

chapter 4

chapter 5

chapter 6

chapter 7

chapter 8


(r-click or press on each streaming link to 'save file as' and download the mp3. The rest will be added as it's completed, plus a final download link to a zip of all chapters.)

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by sciencebluefeelings

Il Faut Souffrir Pour Être Beau (WIP)


Many podfics on the archive contain mature content. Check the text or podfic post before you listen to see ratings, warnings, and story summaries.

chapter 1

chapter 2

chapter 3

chapter 4

chapter 5

chapter 6

chapter 7

chapter 8

chapter 9

chapter 10

chapter 11

chapter 12

chapter 13

chapter 14

chapter 15

chapter 16

(R-click or press on each streaming link to 'save file as' and download the mp3. The rest will be added as it's completed, plus a download link to a zip of all the chapters.)

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid

Orbital Mechanics


3rd in the series

stream mp3: Prologue [25 MB, 00:30:22]
stream mp3: Chapter 1 [38 MB, 00:47:08]
stream mp3: Chapter 3 [71 MB, 01:28:21]
stream mp3: Chapter 4 [62 MB, 01:16:36]
stream mp3: Chapter 5 [89 MB, 01:50:05]
stream mp3: Chapter 6 [131 MB, 02:39:13]
stream mp3: Chapter 7 [82 MB, 01:39:58]

download zipped mp3 chapters: here [499 MB, 10:11:45]
download collated m4b: here [517 MB, 10:11:45]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by cookiemon6067

His Fate Will Be Unlearned


Complete Work:
stream collated mp3: here [492 MB, 10:06:02]
download collated mp3: here [491 MB, 10:06:02]
download zipped mp3 chapters: here [492 MB, 10:06:02]

Stream mp3:
Chapter 1 [99 MB, 02:00:22]
Chapter 2 [91 MB, 01:50:31]
Chapter 3 [101 MB, 02:07:57]
Chapter 4 [108 MB, 02:11:54]
Chapter 5 [95 MB, 01:55:16]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by cookiemom6067



stream mp3: Chapter One, Part One [156 MB, 02:41:55]
stream mp3: Chapter One, Part Two [145 MB, 02:30:55]
stream mp3: Chapter Two [176 MB, 03:03:26]
stream mp3: Chapter Three [214 MB, 03:42:49]

download as a zip of 4 mp3 chapters: here [675 MB, 11:59:05]
download as a single mp3: here [683 MB, 11:59:05]
download as a single m4b: here [697 MB, 11:59:05]

comment to podficcer here (links to the series of chapter posts for the podfic of Indelible) and the audiobook post here
read and comment on text version here
cover art by mific

a kind of dwell and welcome


stream mp3: chapter 1 [76 MB, 01:28:23]
stream mp3: chapter 2 [71 MB, 01:26:32]
stream mp3: chapter 3 [72 MB, 01:24:57]
stream mp3: chapter 4 [73 MB, 01:27:06]
stream mp3: chapter 5 [74 MB, 01:29:21]
stream mp3: chapter 6 [71 MB, 01:24:07]
stream mp3: chapter 7 [82 MB, 01:42:46]

download zip of mp3 chapters: here [515 MB, 10:23:16]
download chapterized m4b: here [470 MB, 10:23:16]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art for each chapter by thirdeye1234

a switchblade is my preferred weapon


stream mp3: part 1 [58 MB, 01:00:53]
stream mp3: part 2 [71 MB, 01:14:07]
stream mp3: part 3 [96 MB, 01:40:23]
stream mp3: part 4 [92 MB, 01:35:23]
stream mp3: part 5 [54 MB, 01:11:22]
stream mp3: part 6 [69 MB, 00:56:19]
stream mp3: part 7 [57 MB, 00:58:54]
stream mp3: part 8 [69 MB, 01:11:44]
stream mp3: part 9 [52 MB, 01:12:01]
stream mp3: part 10 [49 MB, 01:07:39]
stream mp3: part 11 [48 MB, 01:06:36]
stream mp3: part 12 [55 MB, 01:15:48]

download 12 mp3 parts: here [764 MB, 14:30:00]
download 48 mp3 chapters: here [796 MB, 14:30:00]
download m4b: here [953 MB, 14:30:00]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by aliteralgarbageheap



stream mp3: Chapters 1-3 [45 MB, 00:46:52]
stream mp3: Chapters 4-5 [57 MB, 00:59:18]
stream mp3: Chapters 6-7 [63 MB, 01:05:18]
stream mp3: Chapters 8-9 [65 MB, 01:07:38]
stream mp3: Chapter 10 [69 MB, 01:03:21]
stream mp3: Chapter 11 [81 MB, 01:15:32]
stream mp3: Chapters 12-13 [114 MB, 01:58:21]
stream mp3: Chapters 14-15 [98 MB, 01:42:04]
stream mp3: Chapter 16 [62 MB, 00:56:43]
stream mp3: Chapter 17 [92 MB, 01:20:38]

download mp3 files: here [737 MB, 12:15:42]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by cookiemom6067

the cute guy next door (might be a villain)


stream mp3: here [579 MB, 10:24:08]
download as one mp3: here [576 MB, 10:24:08]
download zip of mp3 chapters: here [579 MB, 10:24:08]
download as m4b: here [462 MB, 10:24:08]

comment to the podficcer here
read text and comment to the author here
cover art by alesyira

Never Too Late For Love


stream mp3:
Chapter 1: 1936: here [18 MB, 00:15:46]
Chapter 2: 1940: here [12 MB, 00:10:55]
Chapter 3: 1942: here [25 MB, 00:25:03]
Chapter 4: 1945: here [28 MB, 00:25:19]
Chapter 5: 2002 - Part 1: here [49 MB, 00:47:27]
Chapter 5: 2002 - Part 2: here [62 MB, 01:01:29]
Chapter 6: 2003 (I) - Part 1: here [72 MB, 01:10:03]
Chapter 6: 2003 (I) - Part 2: here [64 MB, 01:02:51]
Chapter 7: 2003 (II) - Part 1: here [51 MB, 00:48:28]
Chapter 7: 2003 (II) - Part 2: here [53 MB, 00:50:50]
Chapter 7: 2003 (II) - Part 3: here [62 MB, 01:22:26]
Chapter 8: 2003 (III) - Part 1: here [49 MB, 01:04:52]
Chapter 8: 2003 (III) - Part 2: here [52 MB, 01:08:38]

download mp3 (separate files): here [587 MB, 10:34:05]
download mp3 (single file): here [467 MB, 10:34:05]
download m4b: here [526 MB, 10:34:05]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by phoenixmethaphor

Roll On


download all mp3s: here [606 MB, 10:25:24]
download m4b: here [296 MB, 10:25:24]

stream mp3s:
Chapter 1: here [41 MB, 00:42:08]
Chapter 2: here [49 MB, 00:50:19]
Chapter 3: here [45 MB, 00:46:38]
Chapter 4: here [53 MB, 00:54:51]
Chapter 5: here [44 MB, 00:45:23]
Chapter 6: here [59 MB, 01:00:59]
Chapter 7: here [44 MB, 00:45:55]
Chapter 8: here [46 MB, 00:47:22]
Chapter 9: here [37 MB, 00:38:10]
Chapter 10: here [53 MB, 00:54:43]
Chapter 11: here [76 MB, 01:18:43]
Chapter 12: here [46 MB, 00:47:19]
Chapter 13 - Epilogue: here [12 MB, 00:12:48]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by Growlery

With Friends Like These


mp3: here [781.4 MB, 12:27:59]
m4b: here [354.4 MB, 12:27:59]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by Opalsong

Crash Standing


mp3 (individual chapter files): here [1020 MB, 14:40:46]
m4b (2 files): here [417.7 MB, 14:40:46]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by Opalsong
