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Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves


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stream mp3: here [555 MB, 19:16:08]
download mp3: here [550 MB, 19:16:08]
download m4b: here [564 MB, 19:16:08]

Two smaller files option:
stream two mp3s:
part 1 [287 MB, 09:58:18]
part 2 [268 MB, 09:17:49]
download two mp3s:
part 1 [285 MB, 09:58:18]
part 2 [268 MB, 09:17:49]
download two m4bs:
part 1 [291 MB, 09:58:18]
part 2 [272 MB, 09:17:49]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by cybel

The Man With No Name


download all mp3s: here [530 MB, 09:15:00]
download m4b: here [264 MB, 09:15:00]

stream mp3s:
Prologue: Oncoming Storm: here [3.9 MB, 00:03:58]
Chapter 1 - Unemployed: here [13 MB, 00:13:47]
Chapter 2 - A Brown Coat: here [15 MB, 00:15:26]
Chapter 3 - The Doctor: here [13 MB, 00:13:07]
Chapter 4 - Trouble and Rain: here [16 MB, 00:16:49]
Chapter 5 - Passenger: here [11 MB, 00:11:41]
Chapter 6 - First Impressions: here [13 MB, 00:13:11]
Chapter 7 - Underfoot: here [15 MB, 00:15:50]
Chapter 8 - Outcasts and Outsiders: here [10 MB, 00:10:44]
Chapter 9 - Coercion: here [25 MB, 00:25:51]
Chapter 10 - Helltown: here [10 MB, 00:10:32]
Chapter 11 - The Monsters in the Woods: here [21 MB, 00:21:22]
Chapter 12 - A Little Bit of Trust: here [14 MB, 00:14:45]
Chapter 13 - Pockets: here [25 MB, 00:25:22]
Chapter 14 - Snares: here [16 MB, 00:16:21]
Chapter 15 - Dead Man: here [19 MB, 00:19:20]
Chapter 16 - A Little Less Trust: here [29 MB, 00:30:31]
Chapter 17 - Making Plans: here [14 MB, 00:14:13]
Chapter 18 - Identity: here [21 MB, 00:21:28]
Chapter 19 - Before the Chaos: here [22 MB, 00:23:03]
Chapter 20 - Unmasked: here [22 MB, 00:22:58]
Chapter 21 - Uneasy: here [16 MB, 00:16:03]
Chapter 22 - Human Nature: here [18 MB, 00:19:04]
Chapter 23 - Conviction: here [27 MB, 00:28:15]
Chapter 24 - Garden of Memories: here [19 MB, 00:19:43]
Chapter 25 - Without Shield or Protection: here [23 MB, 00:24:05]
Chapter 26 - Surrender: here [28 MB, 00:28:55]
Chapter 27 - The Storm Unleashed: here [13 MB, 00:13:15]
Chapter 28 - A Price to be Paid: here [12 MB, 00:12:17]
Chapter 29 - Sacrifice: here [11 MB, 00:10:53]
Chapter 30 - Redemption: here [13 MB, 00:13:39]
Epilogue: The Meaning of Freedom: here [9 MB, 00:09:15]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover art by cybel
