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Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology


mp3: here [288.0 MB, 03:49:43]
m4b: here [193.1 MB, 03:49:43]

comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text versions: A Medley of Passion and Joy, A Perfect Haircut Every Day, After all these years , all the work, American Girls, And Take Your Money, Anon The Bright Hyperion, Art is a lie, Asking Alice, Astronauts, Balance, Balance, Be So Less Fragile, because you listen, Blow me Bluebell Bubbles, bones break, not hearts, but aye we dream, But I've watched you take your make-up off, Damnation!, Endangered Species, Equilibrated, Eva, out on the floor, Ever After, Fragile, Girl Stuff, Hold On, Hope It Gives You Hell, Hot Child in the City, i live by science alone, I'd Assume The Worst, Too, I'll open the door to heaven or hell, In Riddles And Sums,inscrutable, it all makes sense in the end, Joint Mission to Aessuma (The one with shiny rocks), let go in small doses, Life Comes in a Rush, Like father, like daughter, Me without you is less than none, My story is not like yours, National Population is Endemic To That Nation's Social Status, Not Waiting Around, Out of Orbit, Prisoner's Dilemma, put another dime in, Rebellion, Risk-Taking, self-esteem is good for you, songs for fighters and sometimes dreamers, steadily, Strength to Strength, Sugar, we're going down, Synch, The diner at the end of the universe, the fine art of compromise, the girl who drinks tea with the devil, there'll be peace..., they don't make flak jackets your size, Things Fall Apart, things my heart used to know, Think Fast, This is a trap, to make peace (and the bed), to the other side, Trust, Two, and you're soaring, untitled, Vive La Conditioner!, Walked in on a plan, What It Means To Me, When the Lights Go Out, you counting on my failure made me live, Youth Is Fleeting - Vigour Is Not

cover art by aneas

Bleed Out and Take Him In


(each collated part below contains 2 of the 8 recorded parts)
stream mp3: part 1 [54 MB, 00:56:29]
stream mp3: part 2 [98 MB, 01:41:29]
stream mp3: part 3 [76 MB, 01:19:33]
stream mp3: part 4 [49 MB, 00:50:47]
download zip of 4 mp3 parts: here [275 MB, 04:48:21]
download m4b: here [263 MB, 04:48:21]

the text version is no longer available
comment to podficcer here
audiobook created by cybel
cover art by wordplay
