Reader: cantarina|reader
The Girl Who Waited Replies
Posted by anonymous on Sunday, 22 April 2012Intro to the Art of Deception
Posted by anonymous on Sunday, 22 April 2012Boys and Girls, Girls & Horses, Everything Still Turns To Gold [anthology]
Posted by anonymous on Saturday, 21 April 2012mp3: here [14.4 MB, 00:24:39]
m4b: here [17.4 MB, 00:24:39]
comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text versions here: Boys and Girls; Girls & Horses; Everything Still Turns To Gold
cover art by cantarina
Everything Still Turns To Gold
Posted by anonymous on Saturday, 21 April 2012Girls & Horses
Posted by anonymous on Saturday, 21 April 2012Boys and Girls
Posted by anonymous on Saturday, 21 April 2012The Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology II [anthology]
Posted by anonymous on Tuesday, 17 April 2012mp3: here [422.9 MB, 07:31:12]
m4b: here [307.0 MB, 07:31:12]
comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text versions: 25th Hour; A Grand Gesture Involving Piranhas; Academy; Always; and did you tell billy you loved him? did you say, 'billy, i love you'?; And Into the Clear; Background Check; Breath; burns on my fingers; Clash of the Titans; Come Back and Haunt Me; Conspicuos; Contretemps; Cookies and Conversations; Cora; cracks are where the light gets in; Decorating with Mischief; Evening Beauty; Every Moment Matters; Five Time Lords Donna Noble Slapped; Four Times Parker Got Away from Veronica, and One Time She Didn't; Gateway; Good With Her Hands; Hands; hello darling; her name is eve; How We've Grown; I Ache Myself for More; If This Is A Family Reunion, I Wasn't Invited; if this is a joke, i'm not laughing; Igraine Begs; It's About This; It's Common, But We Don't Talk About It; it's my heart, not me, who cannot drive; Just Listen; Just Words on a Page; Justice; Lift Her, Pull Her From the Orchids; Light a Candle in the Darkness; Like This; Live A Little, Die A Little; Mischief, Shenanigans, and Hijinks of All Sorts; Music of the Morning; my smile can distract you; next time duck; Not-Idols and Admiration; oceans never listen to us anyway; Of Thoughts and Waiting; One Day Without Hindrance; Opportunities; Oral Traditions; Our Backwards Walk; peer/pressure (points); Pit Stop; Plans; Polaris; Pomegranate Seeds; Prove Them Wrong; Recuperation; Remade; Returning to the Deep; Risk Assessment; Rittevon Shoes; She gets them Home; She Won't Confess; Silk and Dust; Slayer Slain Slay: Poem VIII; So You Caused a Potentially Life-Altering Paradox; Steel; Tales and Legends; The Beginning or Middlish Part of a Harry Potter Publishing AU; The Fall of Rome; The Girly Arts; The Mad Ones; The Moon and the Ocean; The Rebirth of Hope; The Trains Stop for You and So Do the Boys When You Run Your Fingers through Your Hair (And I Am Gonna Drink Your Blood); The Uncanny Mrs Hudson; This Heart is a Stone; Things With Feathers (no text link); This is Not a Short History of Feminism (It Isn’t Over Yet); this is why; Three Windows; Turned Me To The Sky; Two Worlds; untitled [abby sciuto-centric]; untitled [coat]; untitled [fire and passion]; untitled [Inara at a bar]; untitled [just a small-town girl]; untitled [Lay Me Out in Lame]; Valerie for forgetfulness; Verdant Power; Vivian Finds Love; Waffles and Lemonade; Watch Me Flying; We Ride In; What Do You Come Home To?; Wheatstalk of Infinite Light; Women's Work; Wouldn't, Would; Yet; (you don't know) I'm a Rager; you know I have no vacancy, and it's awfully cold outside tonight; You Will Move Mountains
cover art by bessyboo
A Peck on the Lips [anthology]
Posted by anonymous on Saturday, 7 April 2012mp3: here [45.4 MB, 00:26:26]
m4b: here [28.9 MB, 00:26:26]
comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text versions here: Je ne sais quoi; Appearances; Where History Ends; A Logical Proposition; It's the Heart in the Latin; one drink to remember, another to forget; Separated by Skin; [war]; New Ways of Speaking; sweetness and light
cover art by bessyboo
Flour, Butter, And Eggs
Posted by dodie on Sunday, 1 April 2012Scientific Method
Posted by dodie on Thursday, 29 March 2012Dark Horse
Posted by anonymous on Monday, 5 September 2011Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology
Posted by anonymous on Wednesday, 30 March 2011mp3: here [288.0 MB, 03:49:43]
m4b: here [193.1 MB, 03:49:43]
comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text versions: A Medley of Passion and Joy, A Perfect Haircut Every Day, After all these years , all the work, American Girls, And Take Your Money, Anon The Bright Hyperion, Art is a lie, Asking Alice, Astronauts, Balance, Balance, Be So Less Fragile, because you listen, Blow me Bluebell Bubbles, bones break, not hearts, but aye we dream, But I've watched you take your make-up off, Damnation!, Endangered Species, Equilibrated, Eva, out on the floor, Ever After, Fragile, Girl Stuff, Hold On, Hope It Gives You Hell, Hot Child in the City, i live by science alone, I'd Assume The Worst, Too, I'll open the door to heaven or hell, In Riddles And Sums,inscrutable, it all makes sense in the end, Joint Mission to Aessuma (The one with shiny rocks), let go in small doses, Life Comes in a Rush, Like father, like daughter, Me without you is less than none, My story is not like yours, National Population is Endemic To That Nation's Social Status, Not Waiting Around, Out of Orbit, Prisoner's Dilemma, put another dime in, Rebellion, Risk-Taking, self-esteem is good for you, songs for fighters and sometimes dreamers, steadily, Strength to Strength, Sugar, we're going down, Synch, The diner at the end of the universe, the fine art of compromise, the girl who drinks tea with the devil, there'll be peace..., they don't make flak jackets your size, Things Fall Apart, things my heart used to know, Think Fast, This is a trap, to make peace (and the bed), to the other side, Trust, Two, and you're soaring, untitled, Vive La Conditioner!, Walked in on a plan, What It Means To Me, When the Lights Go Out, you counting on my failure made me live, Youth Is Fleeting - Vigour Is Not
cover art by aneas