Pairing: lán huàn | lán xīchén/mèng yáo | jīn guāngyáo/niè míngjué

i believe that we can make it (i believe in all of you)


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [109 MB, 02:14:35]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by KeriArentikai

an accidentally simultaneously married 3zun threadfic


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [39 MB, 00:15:53]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by jennisaisquoi

Life Goes On


full version:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [50 MB, 01:08:34]

full version without music/sfx:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [49 MB, 01:07:36]

chapter-by-chapter version:
chapter 1

chapter 2

chapter 3

download zip of mp3s: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [50 MB, 01:08:34]

chapter-by-chapter without music/sfx:
chapter 1

chapter 2

chapter 3

download zip of mp3s: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [48 MB, 01:07:36]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by esbielle

The Moon and the Sun