Pairing: eddie brock/venom

feeling very still


download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [3 MB, 00:06:16]
download m4b here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [3 MB, 00:06:16]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover by sylvaine, photographer Daniel Borsos

Flash Thompson is Not Allowed to Die (series)


No Free Ride to Valhalla


Just One Night

It Can Happen

download as zipped mp3 files: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [36 MB, 00:49:19]
download as a single mp3 file: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [36 MB, 00:49:19]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text versions here
cover art by kdheart

But Have You Got The Touch?



download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [7 MB, 00:13:45]
download m4b: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [15 MB, 00:13:45] (includes outtakes)

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover by sylvaine using art by radio-silents

Feverish Night (translation)


A podfic of the story Nuit Fiévreuse, translated from French to English

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [4 MB, 00:04:53]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here (translation to English by Mo_on_raccoon)
read or comment on the text version here (original story in French by Satanders)