Pairing: benton fraser/victoria metcalf

You Are Free


exeterlinden's version
stream mp3: here [5 MB, 00:05:41]
download mp3: here [5 MB, 00:05:41]

luzula's version
stream mp3: here [6 MB, 00:06:41]
download mp3: here [6 MB, 00:06:41]

comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text version here

Shapeshifter Verse [anthology]


Parts 1-5 of the full 'verse collated (Running, Packmates, Into the Wild, Another Way, Shapeshifting):

stream mp3: here [75 MB, 02:35:44]
download mp3: here [207 MB, 02:35:44]
download m4b: here [73 MB, 02:35:44]

series text versions, and comment to the author here
comment to the reader

Five Things Fraser Would Do Differently if Given a Second Chance


stream mp3: here [0.7 MB, 00:02:53]
download mp3: here [0.7 MB, 00:02:53]

read text and comment to the author
comment to the reader, or here



part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

download as zipped mp3s: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [263 MB, 03:51:40]
download as a single m4b: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [112 MB, 03:51:40]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version here
cover by cybel

Four Snippets Down


stream mp3: here [6 MB, 00:09:00]
download mp3: here [6 MB, 00:09:00]

read text versions and comment to the author/reader: Leashed (or here), Photographic Memory (or here), Bright Shiny Penny (or here), Outside the Tent

or comment to the author/reader here, or here

Three Due South Ficlets [anthology]


stream mp3: here [9 MB, 00:08:32]
download mp3: here [9 MB, 00:08:32]
download m4b: here [9 MB, 00:08:32]

read text versions and comment to the author Five Things Fraser Would Do Differently if Given a Second Chance, Home, One-Two-Three
comment to the reader, or here
Audiobook created by cybel
Cover by cybel