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The Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology II [anthology]
Posted by anonymous on Tuesday, 17 April 2012mp3: here [422.9 MB, 07:31:12]
m4b: here [307.0 MB, 07:31:12]
comment to podficcers here
read or comment on text versions: 25th Hour; A Grand Gesture Involving Piranhas; Academy; Always; and did you tell billy you loved him? did you say, 'billy, i love you'?; And Into the Clear; Background Check; Breath; burns on my fingers; Clash of the Titans; Come Back and Haunt Me; Conspicuos; Contretemps; Cookies and Conversations; Cora; cracks are where the light gets in; Decorating with Mischief; Evening Beauty; Every Moment Matters; Five Time Lords Donna Noble Slapped; Four Times Parker Got Away from Veronica, and One Time She Didn't; Gateway; Good With Her Hands; Hands; hello darling; her name is eve; How We've Grown; I Ache Myself for More; If This Is A Family Reunion, I Wasn't Invited; if this is a joke, i'm not laughing; Igraine Begs; It's About This; It's Common, But We Don't Talk About It; it's my heart, not me, who cannot drive; Just Listen; Just Words on a Page; Justice; Lift Her, Pull Her From the Orchids; Light a Candle in the Darkness; Like This; Live A Little, Die A Little; Mischief, Shenanigans, and Hijinks of All Sorts; Music of the Morning; my smile can distract you; next time duck; Not-Idols and Admiration; oceans never listen to us anyway; Of Thoughts and Waiting; One Day Without Hindrance; Opportunities; Oral Traditions; Our Backwards Walk; peer/pressure (points); Pit Stop; Plans; Polaris; Pomegranate Seeds; Prove Them Wrong; Recuperation; Remade; Returning to the Deep; Risk Assessment; Rittevon Shoes; She gets them Home; She Won't Confess; Silk and Dust; Slayer Slain Slay: Poem VIII; So You Caused a Potentially Life-Altering Paradox; Steel; Tales and Legends; The Beginning or Middlish Part of a Harry Potter Publishing AU; The Fall of Rome; The Girly Arts; The Mad Ones; The Moon and the Ocean; The Rebirth of Hope; The Trains Stop for You and So Do the Boys When You Run Your Fingers through Your Hair (And I Am Gonna Drink Your Blood); The Uncanny Mrs Hudson; This Heart is a Stone; Things With Feathers (no text link); This is Not a Short History of Feminism (It Isn’t Over Yet); this is why; Three Windows; Turned Me To The Sky; Two Worlds; untitled [abby sciuto-centric]; untitled [coat]; untitled [fire and passion]; untitled [Inara at a bar]; untitled [just a small-town girl]; untitled [Lay Me Out in Lame]; Valerie for forgetfulness; Verdant Power; Vivian Finds Love; Waffles and Lemonade; Watch Me Flying; We Ride In; What Do You Come Home To?; Wheatstalk of Infinite Light; Women's Work; Wouldn't, Would; Yet; (you don't know) I'm a Rager; you know I have no vacancy, and it's awfully cold outside tonight; You Will Move Mountains
cover art by bessyboo