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Works which do not focus on relationships/shipping.

Looking In [anthology]


mp3: here [MB, 3:32:01]
m4b: here [105.5 MB, 3:32:01]

text: She Pick Her Way Down that Path, Parental Instincts, That's Me In the Spotlight, Just Another Kid, Modulus Of Rupture, Accidents Will Happen, The Idea Of an Island, He's Not a Man Who Misses Much, Tryin’a Make a Living and Doin’ the Best I Can, Tabletop Dream Time, The Future’s So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades)

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[mp3, 194.7 MB, 3:32:01]

Written by pdragon76, dodger_winslow, vorpalblades, bad_peppermint, i_speak_tongue, holli, eighth horizon (gekizetsu), riverbella, roque_clasique, innie_darling, and kroki_refur
Read by riverbella, roque_clasique, i_speak_tongue, and helloapollo
