Information: collaboration|two voices

The Asteroidea Trilogy [anthology]


mp3: here (composite version) [108.7 MB, 01:54:06]
m4b: here (composite version) [54.5 MB, 01:54:06]

mp3: here (mystery version) [105.2 MB, 01:56:23]
m4b: here (mystery version) [56.8 MB, 01:56:23]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text versions Asteroidea , Highly Intelligent, Observant, and Destructive When Bored, and Feels Like Drowning
cover art by cybel

Recognizable Skills


mp3: here
text: here

comment to the author
comment to the readers

[mp3, 2.8 MB, 0:03:04]
Supernatural|Castiel/Dean Winchester; Becky Rosen/Chuck Shurley

Written by c00kie
Read by fangirl productions (rhea314 and nianeyna)
