Two ways Pete and Gabe get married Posted by kitsuneheart on Saturday, 24 October 2015 fandom: fall out boy, gym class heroesrelationship: gabe saporta/pete wentz reena_jenkins|readerlalejandra|author mp3: here [5.6 MB, 00:06:01] comment to podficcer here read or comment on text version here
Once A Week, For A Year Posted by kitsuneheart on Saturday, 24 October 2015 fandom: hobbit, lord of the rings, discworld, chronicles of narnia, harry potter, mary poppins, winnie the pooh, mulan, toy story, high school musical, indiana jones franchise, avengers (movies), iron man (movies), thor (movies), pirates of the caribbean (movies), star trek (alternate original series movies), x-men (alternate timeline movies), regency era figures (england), fall out boy, gym class heroes, my chemical romance, panic at the disco, supernatural rpf, star trek reboot rpf, angel the series, buffy the vampire slayer, community, doctor who, smallville, stargate atlantis, stargate sg1, supernatural, teen wolfrelationship: andy davis/sid phillips, bert/mary poppins, chad danforth/ryan evans, chris pine/karl urban, connor/dawn summers, dalek caan/jenny, daniel 'oz' osbourne/xander harris, daniel jackson/jack o'neill, derek hale/stiles stilinski, eowyn/faramir, charles xavier/erik lehnsherr, fa mulan/li shang, gabe saporta/pete wentz, indiana jones/marion ravenwood, elizabeth swann/jack sparrow, james kirk/leonard 'bones' mccoy, darcy lewis/jarvis, jared padalecki/jensen ackles, loki/thor, gerard way/ray toro, abed nadir/rodney mckay, john sheppard/rodney mckay, brendon urie/jon walker/ryan ross/spencer smithinfo: anthology|single reader, info|gen reena_jenkins|readerargentumlupine|author, basingstoke|author, clio_jlh|author, cofax|author, dira sudis|author, fictionalaspect/almostblue|author, green|author, helens78|author, icarus_chained|author, imaginary_golux|author, keerawa|author, kellifer_fic|author, lalaietha|author, lalejandra|author, otter|author, punk|author, queenklu|author, rubynye|author, saucery|author, sister_wolf|author, skoll|author, socchan|author, spuffyduds|author, teaotter|author, thingswithwings|author, tieleen|author, tigriswolf|author, toomuchplor|author download as a single mp3: here [109 MB, 03:47:48] download as a single m4b: here [115 MB, 03:47:44] download as zipped mp3s: here [211 MB, 03:47:44] comment to podficcer and read or comment on text versions here cover art by reena_jenkins
the best days of our lives (coincidence or a sign) Posted by Fleur Rochard on Sunday, 7 April 2013 fandom: cobra starship, fall out boy, gym class heroes, panic at the disco, academy is...relationship: brendon urie/william beckett, gabe saporta/william beckett, pete wentz/william beckett, tom conrad/william beckett, travis mccoy/william beckett molloose|readerelectrumqueen|author stream mp3: here [13 MB, 00:13:36] download mp3: here [13 MB, 00:13:36] comment to podficcer here read or comment on text version here
Bend And Not Break Posted by dodie on Sunday, 1 July 2012 fandom: fall out boy, gym class heroes, hush sound, mindless self indulgence, my chemical romance, panic at the disco, phantom planet, academy is...relationship: adam siska/andy 'butcher' mrotek, mike carden/tom conrad, brendon urie/ryan ross, jon walker/spencer smith, alex greenwald/tom conradseries: screaming down the starlit sky reena_jenkins|readerherlovewasajoke|author mp3: here [467.4 MB, 08:35:24] comment to podficcer here read or comment on text version here cover art by bessyboo
Screaming Down The Starlit Sky Posted by dodie on Tuesday, 26 June 2012 fandom: cobra starship, fall out boy, gym class heroes, hush sound, mindless self indulgence, my chemical romance, panic at the disco, phantom planet, academy is..., cab, american idolrelationship: adam lambert/tommy ratliff, adam siska/andy 'butcher' mrotek, bob bryar/joe trohman, alex marshall/cash colligan, frank iero/gerard way, mike carden/tom conrad, patrick stump/pete wentz, brendon urie/ryan ross, jon walker/spencer smith, alex greenwald/tom conrad reena_jenkins|readerherlovewasajoke|author download mp3: here [1.93Gb in 15 parts] comment to podficcer here read or comment on text version here cover art by bessyboo