Reader: wilfriede0815|reader



4th in the series

with soundscape and voice effects:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [9 MB, 00:10:48]

with voice effects:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [9 MB, 00:10:41]

no effects:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [7 MB, 00:10:41]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here

context clues


with music and effects:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [7 MB, 00:07:51]

with effects, no music:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [6 MB, 00:06:46]

no music or effects:

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [6 MB, 00:06:44]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by wilfriede0815

I Can See You, As You Can See Me


with music and effects

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [5 MB, 00:04:25]

no music or effects

download mp3: here (r-click or press, and 'save link') [2 MB, 00:03:20]

comment to the podficcer here
read or comment on the text version here
cover art by c_art
