Live Action Television Fandoms

Fandom Podfics
100 20
10th kingdom 1
30 rock 1
4400 3
49 days 2
9-1-1 12
a league of their own (tv) 4
a-team 1
abbott elementary (tv) 1
absolute power 1
addams family (1964) 9
afterlife 1
agency 2
agent carter (tv) 31
agents of s.h.i.e.l.d (tv) 40
alias 11
alias smith & jones 6
alice 2
alles was zählt 1
almost human 3
alphas 2
andromeda 6
angel the series 42
arrested development 4
arrow 20
ashes to ashes 3
avengers 14
awake 1
babylon 5 21
band of brothers 5
battlestar galactica (2004) 36
batwoman (tv) 1
becoming human 1
being human (bbc) 18
better off ted 4
bewitched 1
big bang theory 9
black books 6
black sails 4
blake's 7 10
blood ties 6
boardwalk empire 1
bomb girls 7
bones 19
border town prodigal (tv) 5
borgias (2011) 2
boston legal 1
botkwi kong pisaeng | be my favorite (tv) 1
boy meets world 6
breaking bad 1
bridgerton (tv) 1
brooklyn nine-nine 38
buffy the vampire slayer 211
bunheads 3
burn notice 4
cadfael 1
camelot 1
candid camera 1
cāng lán jué | love between fairy and devil (tv) 1
castle 10
chaos 1
chén qíng lìng | the untamed 290
cherry magic - thirty years of virginity can make you a wizard (tv) 3
chuck 11
class 1
common law 2
community 43
crazy ex-girlfriend (tv) 5
criminal minds 54
crusade 1
csi: miami 2
cupid (1998) 3
dai daeng | until we meet again 4
damien 2
daredevil (tv) 94
dark angel 64
dark matter 1
dark shadow 1
davinci's inquest 2
dawson's creek 3
dead boy detectives 3
dead like me 5
dead to me (tv) 1
dead zone (tv) 6
deadloch (tv) 6
deadwood 2
defenders (tv) 2
detective l (tv) 2
dexter 5
dirty sexy money 1
doctor who 414
doctor who franchise 1
dollhouse 13
downton abbey 3
drake & josh 11
drunk history 3
due south 443
dukes of hazzard 1
earth 2 1
eastwick 2
eerie, indiana 5
elementary 41
entourage 11
er 2
eureka 16
everwood 2
evil dead 1
faking it 2
falcon and the winter soldier (tv) 1
fargo 2
farscape 12
fast show 1
fastlane 1
finding carter 1
firefly 148
first monday 7
flash 32
flashpoint 1
forever knight 2
fosters 2
fraggle rock (tv) 1
frank herbert's children of dune 1
freaks and geeks 2
fresh off the boat 1
friday night lights 4
friends 3
fringe 19
fugitive 2
full house 3
game of thrones 31
garth marenghi's darkplace 1
generation kill 96
ghosts (tv) 3
gilmore girls 28
girl from tomorrow 1
girl meets world 7
glee 219
gokusen ii 1
golden girls 2
good wife 12
gossip girl 3
gotham 16
grace and frankie (tv) 1
graceland 7
granting you a dreamlike life (tv) 14
greatest american hero 1
greek 4
green wing 2
grey's anatomy 8
grimm 15
guild 1
hacks (tv) 8
hanazakari no kimitachi e: ikemen paradaisu | hana-kimi 1
hannibal 99
harper's island 4
hart of dixie 2
haven 17
hawaii five-0 105
hawkeye (tv) 3
heroes 32
highlander 78
holby city (tv) 1
homicide 4
horrible histories 1
hour 4
house 111
house of cards 1
how i met your mother 5
huge 2
humans 2
icarly 1
in plain sight 3
in the flesh 2
inspector spacetime 3
invisible man | i-man 2
it crowd 3
izombie 1
jam and jerusalem 2
jeeves & wooster 35
jekyll 1
jessica jones (tv) 2
joan of arcadia 1
jonas 3
justified 10
keopipeurinseu 1 hojeom | coffee prince 4
khae phuean khrap phuean | bad buddy 12
khao...mai chai phom | not me 3
killjoys 3
kingdom 2
kingdom hospital 1
kings 2
kinnporsche the series 3
kitchen confidential 1
knight rider 1
kolchak:the night stalker 1
kyle xy 1
la femme nikita 2
land of the lost 1
lángyá bǎng | nirvana in fire 5
law & order 7
law & order: criminal intent 5
law & order: special victims unit 4
legend of the seeker 10
legends of tomorrow 8
leverage 183
leverage: redemption 2
lewis 36
librarians 4
lie to me 3
life 7
life on mars (uk) 15
life with derek 8
little britain 1
lizzie bennet diaries 14
lois & clark 17
loki (tv 2021) 3
long night (tv) 9
looking 1
lost 6
lost girl 14
lucifer (tv) 5
luther 2
m*a*s*h 9
mad men 3
magnificent 7 (tv) 11
man from u.n.c.l.e. (tv) 18
maria di nazaret (tv) 1
mathnet 1
max headroom 1
mei-chan no shitsuji | mei's butler 1
memory lost (tv) 11
merlin 693
miami medical 1
middleman 9
mighty morphin power rangers 3
mindy project 2
miranda 2
misfits 1
miss fisher's murder mysteries 11
mission: impossible 1
mister rogers' neighborhood 1
monk 4
moon knight (tv) 2
moonlight 1
mr. bean 2
muppet show 7
murder, she wrote 3
musketeers 9
my boys 1
my favorite martian 1
my mad fat diary 1
nashville 4
ncis 84
ncis: los angeles 1
new girl 2
newsradio 2
night court 1
nip/tuck 1
nobuta wo produce 2
northern exposure 6
nothing much to do 2
numb3rs 18
obi wan kenobi (tv) 1
oc 4
office (us) 6
once a thief 2
once upon a time 44
once upon a time in wonderland 1
one tree hill 2
orange is the new black 2
orphan black 3
our flag means death 138
pacific 1
parenthood 2
parks and recreation 18
pasta 2
peacemaker (tv 2022) 1
peaky blinders 1
peep show 1
penny dreadful 4
person of interest 64
personal preference 1
phantacity (tv) 2
phuean tong ham | only friends 42
pitch 1
planet earth 1
pose (tv 2018) 1
posh nosh 1
power rangers lightspeed rescue 1
power rangers: rpm 8
power rangers: spd 3
pretender 4
pretty little liars 1
primeval 6
private practice 1
privates 1
professionals 5
profit 1
psych 35
punisher (tv) 10
pushing daisies 10
quantum leap 3
queen of swords 1
queer as folk (us) 12
red dwarf 2
regenesis 1
rings of power (lotr) 2
riptide 1
rizzoli & isles 4
road to avonlea 3
rome 1
roswell 2
royal pains 1
sanctuary 3
sandman (tv) 32
sapphire and steel 1
sarah connor chronicles 39
sarah jane adventures 3
saving grace 3
scandal 1
schitt's creek 50
scrubs 6
seachange 1
secret adventures of jules verne 1
selfie 2
sense8 13
sentinel 98
sesame street 6
shadowhunters 3
shameless (us) 3
shazam!|captain marvel 1
sherlock 756
skins 2
sleepy hollow (tv) 31
slings and arrows 31
smallville 150
some girls 1
sons of anarchy 2
spaced 1
spartacus 23
spooks 2
sports night 12
standoff 2
star trek franchise 36
star trek: deep space nine 58
star trek: discovery 1
star trek: enterprise 5
star trek: strange new worlds 47
star trek: the next generation 29
star trek: the original series 56
star trek: voyager 10
star wars tv franchise 25
stargate atlantis 1,386
stargate sg1 165
stargate universe 4
starsky & hutch 35
state within 1
storyteller (jim henson) 1
stranger things 72
studio 60 3
suits 29
supergirl 16
supernatural 2,005
ted lasso 40
teen wolf 930
the booth at the end (tv) 1
the expanse 1
the fall guy (1981) 1
the good place 3
the last of us (tv) 1
the magicians (tv) 17
the rebel (tv) 1
thick of it 1
thin blue line 1
third watch 1
time tunnel 1
tin man 19
torchwood 186
touched by an angel 1
touching evil (us) 2
tru calling 1
true blood 8
trust (tv 2018) 10
tsukuritai onna to tabetai onna | she loves to cook she loves to eat (tv) 6
twilight zone 1
twin peaks 13
twitch city 2
united states of tara 1
unusuals 1
vampire diaries (tv) 9
vampire high 1
veronica mars 31
vikings 18
walking dead 5
warehouse 13 29
warrior nun 1
west wing 19
what we do in the shadows (tv) 6
whiskey echo 2
white collar 87
whitechapel 2
wild wild west 1
wire 2
wire in the blood 1
wiseguy (tv) 2
witcher 42
without a trace 3
wolf (2013) 6
wonderfalls 7
word of honor (tv) 7
worst journey in the world 1
x files 30
xena: warrior princess 21
yellowjackets 1
young macgyver 1
zhèn hún | guardian 191
zoey's extraordinary playlist (tv) 1
zorro (1957 tv series) 1
zorro (1990 tv series) 1