Length: time|1:30:00-2:00:00

Run & Coda


stream mp3: part 1 [43 MB, 00:35:48]
stream mp3: part 2 [26 MB, 00:21:18]
stream mp3: part 3 [39 MB, 00:32:34]
stream mp3: coda [21 MB, 00:17:46]

download as 4 mp3 fies: here [125 MB, 01:47:26]
download compiled mp3: here [102 MB, 01:47:26]
download compiled m4b: here [103 MB, 01:47:26]

comment to podficcer here
read and comment on text versions Run - Escape, Wind, and Circle and the coda flesh & blood
cover art by cybel

My Eyes Are an Ocean (and compilation)


My Eyes are an Ocean:
stream mp3: here [46 MB, 01:35:18]
download mp3: here [43 MB, 01:35:18]
download m4b: here [47 MB, 01:35:18]

Series Compiled - My Eyes are an Ocean & the sequel An Eye for an Eye:
stream mp3: here [46 MB, 01:03:56]
download mp3: here [45 MB, 01:03:56]
download m4b: here [47 MB, 01:03:56]

read text and comment to the author My Eyes are an Ocean and An Eye for an Eye, (backup: here)
comment to the reader
cover art by cybel
