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3 Hetalia Drabbles (Australia) [anthology]


streamable mp3: here [4.3 MB, 00:04:40]
downloadable mp3: here [4.3 MB, 00:04:40]

comment to podficcer here
read or comment on text version New Zealand I have a Question, Australian Christmas, America, Give me back my Stuff!

Lord of the Sea & The Extraction of the Goa'uld Mer'deth: A Brief Summary


stream mp3: here [12 MB, 00:12:01]
download mp3: here [11 MB, 00:12:01]

read text versions and comment to the author:
Lord of the Sea (backup here)
The Extraction of the Goa'uld Mer'deth: A Brief Summary (backup here)
comment to the reader (or here)
